A bit about me
Snapshot: Dad. Husband. Photographer. Bit of a nerd.
... in that order
Hey, my name’s Andrew and I’m a wedding photographer based out of Cork, Ireland. I’m guessing you’re looking for one of those right now. So, you’ve had a look through some of my weddings, you like what you see, but now you probably want to know a little bit about who I am.
It’s a difficult thing to sum up a person in a few paragraphs but I’m a Dad to the happiest little 2 year old girl, Ruby (she features quite a bit below). I’m husband to my beautiful wife, Mary. We met… eh… 14… ish years ago (officially feelilng old right now), we’ve been married 6 years. We live in east Cork and can probably name every place that serves a decent coffee between Youghal and Cork City. Fortunatly parenthood hasn’t impacted (too much) on our little excursions for coffee and a scone. Granted, we knock back the coffee a bit quicker, and listen to the Frozen soundtrack on the way home, but it all counts. We’re also haunted (it’s a Cork thing, it’s nothing to do with ghosts) with a choice of beaches, forests and cliff walks nearby that fill our days with little adventures (also, any excuse to bring the camera out!). I usually post quite a bit of my personal stuff on my Instagram account if you want to check it out.
I’ve been a lifelong nerd (and I include camera-nerd in that) and shot my first wedding in 2015. It wasn’t something I’d ever planned on but life sometimes has a way of showing you new paths and in this instance I walked down it. I haven’t looked back to be honest and every year makes me more passionate and excited about what I do. I love the front row seat I get into peoples lives, even if it’s just for one day (what a day though). I love the Irish mammies trying to feed me, friends getting teary eye’d when the bride puts the dress on, Dad’s doing their Dad best to keep it together (this is going to be me one day and I’ll be a wreck), the first look between the bride and groom, all of it. The thanks and messages I get from couples when they receive their photos is what it’s all about for me, to give these awesome couples photos they can look back on for years to come whatever life may bring.