Emily & Rory
Ballyvolane House
Oct 13, 2018
You better put the kettle on and grab a cup of tea… this is a big one!
I’m just going to get one thing out of the way real quick… I did not go into this day expecting an in depth discussion of why Star Wars: The Last Jedi did or did not suck. I fell into the former catergory, and I may have changed the minds and hearts of some of the groomsmen. The whole casino planet! I mean, what was the point of that!? Misdirection for misdirection sake. The groom and his trio of groomsmen had more pressing matters at hand however, with only two hours to go to the ceremony YouTube was pushed to its limits of “how to tie a bowtie” videos. Spoiler Alert… all bowties made the ceremony.
Meanwhile Emily was in a sea of calm (barring the occasional impromtu breakdancing from her bridesmaids). With only two walls separating Emily and Rory as they prepared for the biggest moment of their lives, it was a joy to go back and forth and watch the gears click into motion for what was ahead… Rory going over his speech… Emily just being radiant… and then having her hair and makeup done. More than that both, each of them welcomed me in and I had such a great time getting to know them both. Two genuine people if ever you met them.
I’m not sure what I can say about Ballyvolane, the ceremony, and the setting that doesn’t just jump out of the photos as you go through them. It was a day where every thing came together. A couple full of smiles surrounded by more smiles. Emily and Rory, congrats again on your wedding! I know you had a fantastic day, and hope these photos brings you back to it all. Wishing you the best in your future as H & W.