
Jan 28, 2016

First new blog of the year, and this time we were off to Southampton (Hedge End to be exact) to visit Mary’s good friend Elaine. In fact, it was something of a girls weekend but Kyle (recently betrothed to Elaine) would have been vastly outnumbered so the HABs (think WAGs… but men) were invited too for beer, darts, vulgar card games and a spot of tea and cake.

Speaking of vulgar card games, I had never heard of Cards Against Humanity before… it’s not exactly a family game but it’s damn funny. Also, I’m not sure should I be proud or concerned that Mary was tied for the win.

In other news, I restablished the fact that I’m not very good at darts. It’s important to confirm that every decade or so I think.

The host with the most!
Cards Against Humanity in full swing
This was a new floor when we started
In flight... darts move really fast btw!
Our lift home! Her only request, that I don't take a picture and put it online... cheers Elaine!